She had that voice in her head that stood by her...
Thursday, 13 December 2018
She had that voice in her head that stood by her...
Saturday, 11 August 2018
Its all about needs. The minute the need is over, the transaction ends. Thats what happened here. Attaching any more meaning or emotion to it, is foolishness. Isnt it?
Rationale and Logic, do not work when emotions are around. Thats what I hate about this. Austistic people are better off I say.
Saturday, 9 June 2018
Fact and fiction
Fact is stranger than fiction. What was a figment of imagination, is now a part of life.
Did I dream it into happening? Did I foresee it?
Why doesn't it feel the way it should though?
Saturday, 19 May 2018
Me 6 months ago, looks at current me and is disgusted.
I have let me down.
I'm sorry doesn't come close.
I need some sympathy and pity, for I don't deserve anything else.
Me 6 months ago asks of me now... How is it that I touch my child with these hands? How do I kiss her with that mouth?
I drown in guilt. Wish I was drowning in real.
Always hated death by drowning... Always been afraid of it... Now hoping to drown in acid and die.
I'm so much in a dilemma right now. I don't know what I am doing. Whom am I hurting? Why am I doing what I am?
It easy to give things a label, but the fact is, what I'm doing doesn't even deserve a label. Even the most clichéd label doesn't come close to what this is.
I felt so guilty and dirty after doing what I did. Am I so weak, that I have ignored all the warning bells in my head? Of course I'm that weak. I wouldn't have let things go that far otherwise.
Even single value is getting broken, my pride is in smithereens... Loyalty, integrity, responsibility, commitment, trust truth, morality... Nothing has been left untainted. Even things that shouldn't matter - habits, behavior, caste... Everything has been murdered. Everything is either dead or dying.
All this, even when you said that what you feel has shaken, that we have different value systems.
It makes me sick to my stomach about what I did, despite which, I know I will continue to do it.
I can't think, but I can't not think. What have I gotten into!!
Saturday, 10 March 2018
When you are around
Is it beauty, is it love, or is it just companionship, I know not, but the my whole world is exhilarated when you are around.
The ennui of life, comes down, even if it is, for a little, the gray turns into reds and pinks, the drab into the interesting, and the uninspiring grow up to be muses for poetry.
The greens are more vibrant, the blues a little more blue and the rainbow has more than just the 7 colors, when you are around.