Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Love, is single handedly the biggest generator of crime.

All this flowery rosy poetry about love and its grandeur, is all just bull crap. It makes you lie, cheat. It makes you guilty, and feel dirty. even when you are the victim, it makes you feel like the perpetrator.

A friend is in love. for the 4th time. how can that be possible? beyond comprehension. Love is like boobs. even man boobs. it is like a vagina, a penis. once you have it. you have it. how do you get rid of it?

all modern medical practices would say boobs and vaginas and penises can be surgically removed. what else do cosmetic surgeons get paid for? unnatural removal of body parts.

Modernists would tell me to bother about more important stuff in life. Like the politics, or the elections or the poverty or hunger, or marrying film stars ... that is the big stuff. Stuff that the universe is made of. I cant get my head around the small stuff. Nauseatingly sickening small stuff like love and emotions. How am I supposed to make sense of the big stuff?

How does one stop being in love? does it happen like when you get out of a theater  Okay - it was good for the 3 hours it lasted. I am going to think about it now, and forget it by the time I reach the bottom of the escalator? Which movie do I watch next?

I need to know. For I need to fall out of love. I am in love. Far too much out in love. I am at a point where hate, disgust and love - they all meet. Like my own little Narnia or my own sickening version of Far-Far-Away. I need to get away from the looking glass. Alice needs her life back. So, when this friend marries the man she thinks is Mr. Right 4th time lucky, I tear my hair apart, figuring out just how is it possible. I need to know.

I need to get rid of this man living here in my head and heart, at the same time disgusting me, and at the same time evoking all those emotions of supposedly true love. I am stuck with someone whom I cant hate entirely or love completely. So for the sake of the end of the world - how does one get rid of emotions? whom do I pay for a surgery that strips me of my metaphorical man-boobs and penis - for now, it is unnatural to have it.

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